Understanding Bitcoin's Post-Halving Landscape

The landscape of Bitcoin and its halving events has evolved significantly over time, revealing patterns, shifts in market dynamics, and changing perceptions of Bitcoin itself.

Starting with the first halving in 2012, there was a mix of uncertainty and optimism within the Bitcoin community. The price of Bitcoin was only …

Evaluating Trends of Digital Asset Investments and their Implications

Are we starting to witness what may be a monumental shift in the financia llandscape? I may arrive at this belief through observing an increasing number of corporations leveraging debt to acquire digital assets. This movement, led by MicroStrategy's substantial investment in digital assets through issued debt, and followed by Coinbase's ambitious $1 billion bond …

Navigating Investment Missteps: Reviewing some of my mistakes

Investing often involves a delicate balance between confidence and caution, and there's no clearer mirror to my choices than the performance of my investments. Sometimes, even the most well-intentioned advice can lead me astray, resulting in financial losses. Here's a look at where things didn't pan out as expected.

Farfetch: …

My Observations and the Promise of the Future

To observe is to embark on a silent journey, a voyage through the canvas of existence, where every detail holds the weight of a thousand words, and every silence sings arias of hidden truths. This art, ancient as the stars yet fresh with each dawn, teaches us that to truly …

The Distinction Between Trading and Investing

In financial markets, participants are faced with a fundamental choice that shapes their approach to markets: trading or investing. This choice is not merely a matter of preference but a reflection of one's financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and intelligence. Trading, with its quicksilver nature, appeals to those drawn …

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